45 Quart Tub for VE-Super 70 Racks
The VE 134-45 tub, or Super70 tub, measures 33" Deep x 18" Wide x 5.28" Tall and is approximately the same height and length as most of the CB-70 clones. The width is a little wider so be sure to check compatability with your rack! This tub fits the Vivarium Electronics Super-70 Racks and is also ideal for the DIY project.
The 134-45 tub has about 10% MORE floor space as most of the CB70/41qt clone tubs we have been using for years. Made of thick, durable polypropylene for years of use- we made this one with extra reinforcment around the top lip where most are weak.
These tubs are approximately 45 quarts and are made of opaque Polypropylene.
The tubs are heavily discounted if you are purchasing them in one of our rack systems- please order them on the rack page!